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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - dissipate v.


Связанные словари

Dissipate v.

dissipate v.
1) scatter, spread (out) , disperse, be dispelled, diffuse; disseminate, sow, distribute; break up: The crowd had dissipated by noon. 2) spread thin, evaporate, vanish, disappear, vaporize, peter out, diminish: By the time we were ready to go, the clouds had dissipated. 3) squander, waste, fritter away, throw away, burn up, use up, exhaust, run through: By the time he was twenty, he had dissipated a huge fortune. 4) revel, carouse, party, sow one's wild oats, burn the candle at both ends, roister, make merry, debauch, go on a spree: Before their marriage, he was seen dissipating in the fleshpots of Europe.
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